Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Why I'll Never Be A Great Blogger

My last posting immediately made me think that my humanities education, by making me think in paragraphs, and not just in paragraphs, but in successions of paragraphs, fully exploring an issue (and if I were really writing not blogging, then editing until I had achieved perfection of both form and substance), are skills that are totally anathema to successful blogging.

There are some successful blogs that proceed by paragraphs - the Becker-Posner Blog comes to mind - the most successful blogs are the exact opposite of a succession of paragraphs. They're more like a series of soundbites .

Writing a term paper and writing a blog post are very different skills. I'm sure that with time and practice, I could develop a successful blog style, but blogging as I do infrequently and then mainly to indulge myself, it's unlikely that will happen.

I guess the advantage of having no audience is having no one who will complain.

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