Saturday, June 14, 2008

4 More Years

Although it provokes howls of derision amongst my liberal friends whenever I say this, I still think it's true that if GWB were running for re-election, his chances at winning a third term would be better than even.

Why would I say something so outrageous? Because I think that Bush and Rove were absolutely superb campaigners. With an opponent as liberal as Obama, they'd be able to frame this election in such a way that all of those Hillary voters wouldn't want to touch Obama with a ten foot pole.

Unfortunately for conservatives, the nominee this cycle is John McCain, a man whose campaigning skills are certainly less than top notch. The townhalls were probably his only hope, and now that Obama has (wisely) shot down this attempt at "new politics", I think we're about to see Obama embark on a very old-school political campaign which threatens to leave McCain in the dust.

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